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Community Church

Life is Short and Eternity is Long



​Did you know that God never intended for you to live life alone? God wants to hear from you, and so do we! God has a life of spiritual adventure waiting for you at Bakerburg.  We don’t care what you look like physically or spiritually. We are all a broken people in need of God’s love and forgiveness.

The central theme of our ministry is holding God’s Word high. We want people to hear from God, who alone can change their life. In Sunday School, in Youth Group, in counseling, and in the pulpit, we are doing our best to connect people to the God that made them through the careful teaching and preaching of His Word.

We invite you to come and meet our growing church family and see what God is doing right here in Mansfield, PA and what He can do in your life.  We will save a seat for you!

- Pastor Paul


Catch up on the latest news & updates here

December 29, 2024

Dec 29: 5th Sunday Sing-a-long during PM Service

December 31, 2024

Dec 31: New Year’s Eve Bowling, 9pm to Midnight, Terrace Lanes, Troy PA.

Bible and flowers

"Did you know that God never intended for you to live life alone? God wants to hear from you, and so do we! God has a life of spiritual adventure waiting for you at Bakerburg.  We don’t care what you look like physically or spiritually. We are all a broken people in need of God’s love and forgiveness.

The central theme of our ministry is holding God’s Word high. We want people to hear from God, who alone can change their life. In Sunday School, in Youth Group, in counseling, and in the pulpit, we are doing our best to connect people to the God that made them through the careful teaching and preaching of His Word.

We invite you to come and meet our growing church family and see what God is doing right here in Mansfield, PA and what He can do in your life.  We will save a seat for you!"

-Pastor Paul

About Us

Statement Of Faith

We believe that the Bible is the written revelation of God, and the 66 books of the Bible constitute the plenary Word by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God in the original manuscripts is absolutely inerrant, infallible, and God-breathed.

 We believe God the Father, the first person of the Trinity, orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose and grace. We believe He is our salvation. He initiated our salvation. He gave His Son for the atonement of sin and raised Him from the dead. He begets those who believe the gospel. He forgives sin.

 We believe that God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, possesses all the divine attributes and is coequal with God the Father and God the Spirit. He is called God.

 We believe that God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, possesses all the divine attributes and is coequal with God the Father and God the Son.

 We believe that man is a sinner bound to a Christless eternity in Hell. Man fell into sin in the Garden and is totally depraved. Mankind's only hope for salvation is through Jesus Christ.
 We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. By the resurrection of Christ from the grave, God the Father confirmed the deity of Christ, accepted the atoning work of the cross, guaranteed resurrection life for all believers and the future bodily resurrection and judgment of the wicked.

 We believe the Holy Spirit's work with the church began at Pentecost as promised by God the Son, to initiate and complete the building of the body of Christ, which is His Church. The broad scope of the Holy Spirit's activity during this age includes convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and transforming believers into Christ-likeness.

 We believe that the purpose of the Church is to glorify God by building itself up in the faith by instruction in the Word of God, by fellowship, by keeping the ordinances, and by evangelizing and discipling the world.

 We believe that the Church began at Pentecost and will be bodily resurrected and raptured at Christ's return prior to the tribulation.

 ** A more complete Statement of Faith is available in the church office.

Latest Sermon

Prayer and hymn books

"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"

-Jeremiah 23:29

Contact Us

Thanks! We'll be in touch soon!

We care about you

We are a church family of about 150 people in the farmlands of Northeastern, PA. We are a bunch of sinners, saved by grace, gathering for worship out of obedience to God's command, and out of a love for Him and each other. We are enjoying Psalm 133:1 in our ministry.... "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity". Our people genuinely care for each other and others, physically and spiritually. Let us help you study your Bible and know your God better.

vacation bible school
church group
hay ride
teen youth group

Pastor Paul Binkley

Pastor Binkley grew up on a farm in Southern Minnesota. At the age of 5, during a blizzard that kept his family home from church, his Dad led him to the Lord. As a teenager, God gave him a desire for full time ministry . He attended Pillsbury College in Owatonna Minnesota where he met his wife, Karen, from Northern Maine. After graduation in 1992, they moved to Lansdale, PA where Paul completed a Master of Divinity Degree from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary.

God gave him and his wife 2 boys, Adam and Joel. Their family then moved to Parkesburg, PA where Paul served as Assistant Pastor at Highland Baptist Church for 5 years. In 2001, Paul resigned from full time ministry and worked in Insurance and Water Treatment Sales in Selinsgrove, PA for 10 years. In 2011, God brought their family to Bradford County PA, where Paul became a truck driver in the gas industry. They eventually ended up in the pews of Bakerburg Community Church. They joined the membership and Paul began teaching adult Sunday School Class occasionally.

Our Senior Pastor resigned at the end of 2014, and Paul agreed to help fill the pulpit as Interim Pastor. After a year of our Church praying and seeking God's will for the future of the Church, in January 2016, we voted to call Pastor Paul as our new Senior Pastor.

Pastor Paul Binkley

Service Schedule

Sunday Services:

Coffee Time - 8:30 AM
Sunday School - 9:30 AM
Morning Service - 10:30 AM
Evening Service  - 6:00 PM

Wednesday Services:

Prayer & Bible Study/Youth Group - 6:30 PM

Wednesday Services:

Prayer and Bible Study - 6:30 PM

Sunday Services:

Coffee Hour - 8:30AM
Sunday School - 9:30AM
Morning Service - 10:30AM
Evening Service / Youth Group - 6:00 PM

Service Schedule

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